Painting Prices and Tiers

Level 1 “Tabletop”

The First level is table top. Painted to be able to put on the table in the shortest time possible while still looking good from across said table. Typically, depending on the complexity of the model, this paint level consists of base coats, a wash and a highlight, with not every detail picked out, and maybe quick air brush work for a pop of color/interest. A great way to have the bulk of your army painted and quickly!

Level 2 “Tabletop +”

The Second level is what most call Table Top Plus. Painted to look good even close up. The mid range tier which compromises between time and cost to give you the best bang for your buck. This level mainly consists of base coat, washes, several highlights, more attention to the details and (depending on the model) some minor blending. Airbrushing maybe used but in more intricate ways for this level and may once again be used for a pop of interest. This level is great for your more elite units and is where our character painting levels start!

Level 3 “Premium”

The third and highest painting tier, a level many call showcase, masterclas, or premium. Painted to a high degree of skill this tier is for when you want that model to look fantastic. The most time consuming and by that extent, expensive, tier; this level consists of all the tricks where applicable, from washes, glazes, recess shading, wet blending, objective source lighting, multiple highlights etc, etc. This level is usually reserved for your center piece model, your general, your big nasty monster etc. but can be for anything you want!

Pricing Rubric

The pricing rubric to the left has been made to be as comprehensive as possible. It has been broken down into the 3 separate painting categories as well a fairly in-depth breakdown of the different sizes, complexities and importance of models. That being said due to the nature of our games and hobby not EVERYTHING can be accounted for so if you have any questions regarding the models you wish to have painted and where they fit on the rubric feel free to contact us anytime HERE.

You can, of course, mix and match however you like within your order. Please feel free to ask for a quote and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Please be advised that an army that is primarily based around the color white (such as the white armor on the adeptus sororitas army in the GALLERY) it is subject to a 10% upcharge due to the complexity and added time of associated with maintaining quality of the painting as a stark white scheme is typically difficult and requires more paint and layers to live up to the Standards of TayJay Paints.

Assembly and Basing

Tier 1 Basing

This is the Basic level of basing. The fastest and least time consuming level of basing which can be done to get your army on the field as quick as possible! This basing tends to take the form of your standard stand covered base which is then painted to match the army theme and can/will include grass tufts as well. Sand is not the only material used as any range of products can be used for this process including Citadel Technical paints. This will also include any small or basic terrain sculpted onto the model/base such as on the Avatar of Khaine.

This tier generally is used for the bulk of your army, the grunts, the low level foot soldiers who tend to be the backbone of your army. That is not to say you can’t look good as a character with a Tier one base! The necrons in the GALLERY were all done with a basic bases!

Tier 2 Basing

This is the intermediate level of basing. The middle of the road for your basing needs this level can take many forms, from small additions like cork with free hand street markings or molded bases utilizing miliput and Green Stuff rollers, the ideas are endless. The middle level of basing will usually look like the next step up from basic, more colors and variations, snow effects on top of the sand, maybe some small water effects etc. and generally takes more time and effort to produce. This Tier will also include the more intricate sculpted bases included with certain models, such as the rock formation included with Belakor.

This tier can be utilized throughout the army and can really go the extra mile to tying your whole army together! If you have an idea for this, let us know!

Tier 3 Basing

This basing is the highest level, more intricate in design and a longer planning and build time, this tier allows for real creativity and generally utilizes more materials depending on the size and shape of the base and model. This basing will allow our artists to get creative with your overall army theming and can vary wildly. This basing can use the normal sand or cork board but also can and will incorporate various other materials such as plasticard, bitz, scenery pieces, green stuff/miliput, UV resin etc, the list goes on!

This tier is generally left for the most important models in your army, your general, centerpiece or even retinue models. These models not only deserve an awesome paint job but also an epic base as well! This is not a limiting factor however! Don’t be afraid to add on this tier for your jump/flying models so you don’t have to utilize those ugly clear plastic stands or jo just make them that much more dynamic!

Assembly and Basing Pricing Rubric